How to focus on writing: 5 tips that work

“The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing.” —Alan Dean Foster If you’re like most writers, staying focused isn’t your strong point. You start the novel, and you lose momentum. You want to get back to it, but you don’t. You hit a rough patch with your blog, and you get … Read more

Warning: Is your writing a victim?

You write the way you write. Right? It’s a part of you and who you are. It’s how you express yourself. It comes from somewhere deep inside, almost as if by magic, and you don’t have a lot of control over that process. You write the way you’ve always written or how you were taught. … Read more

Kick off 2014 with 21 fab websites for writers

All writers need to know stuff—lots of stuff. Fiction and non-fiction writers alike need information about craft, business, marketing, and motivation. If you have a blog—and most writers should—you want specifics on setting it up, creating an email list, and writing for your audience. Freelance writers need tips on pricing, clients, queries, and time management … Read more

How to get 5 important writing skills without college

Do writers need a specific degree to be successful? Can you get writing skills without college? You’ve probably wondered about that if you’re an aspiring writer who never went to college. Could be you majored in something practical like business or computer science, or you earned a two-year technical degree. But now you want to … Read more