Why Write a Short Story?

Many of you know I’m working on a novel, so you might be surprised that I just finished a short story and published it on Amazon and other online outlets via Smashwords. But I’ll bet some of you might be wondering why I’d break concentration on a novel and write a short story. Isn’t the … Read more

The best time to write

A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.  —E.B. White The “best time for writing” has been debated over and over. Morning. Afternoon. Peak time. Off-peak time. After a workout. In the shower. While walking and recording. Some claim with 100% certainty—backed by “scientific” … Read more

20 Productivity Tips for Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is a symptom, not an ailment you have no control over. Still, it’s hard to know why it happens and harder still to get past it. You might be tired. Sick. Worried. Stressed. Too much on your mind. Too many chores undone. Not enough time to relax and generate ideas. No time spent … Read more