Conquer your fear of writing with small steps

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.—President Franklin D. Roosevelt Overcoming fear requires effort no matter what you’re afraid of. It could be anything from a full-fledged phobia—of spiders, for example—to feeling nervous around someone like your boss or a celebrity. Fear can be healthy. If you’re afraid of a shadowy figure … Read more

The best time to write

A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.  —E.B. White The “best time for writing” has been debated over and over. Morning. Afternoon. Peak time. Off-peak time. After a workout. In the shower. While walking and recording. Some claim with 100% certainty—backed by “scientific” … Read more

Writer’s Voice: What it is and how to develop yours

Once upon a time, I was an assistant chef. I worked at a small but busy restaurant with the head chef, a few helpers, dishwashers, and about a dozen servers. For breaks and meals, everyone kicked back in a little storage room just off the kitchen. A big table and folding chairs made it our … Read more