10 ways to write awesome blog post introductions

The blank page stares back at you. Suddenly, smacking your head against a wall sounds like a good idea. You rock back and forth. You rub your chin and start picking at cuticles. Maybe you crack your knuckles. And the minutes tick by as you ponder the meaning of writer’s block. How do I start … Read more

15 divine devices to drastically improve your writing

Want to inject some razzle and dazzle and a little anaphora into your writing? If your writing seems dull and lifeless, maybe all it needs is a lovely little literary device cleverly placed to keep your reader interested and excited. What’s a literary device? Well, it’s not a new tech gadget or a cool app. … Read more

Why transitions are important in writing

I’ve known that transitions are important, but I had quite an eye-opener recently. Just a few days ago, I received an email from a fellow writer, and I opened it right away. It was one of his business newsletters, which are almost always interesting or thought-provoking. His writing is usually excellent as well. But this … Read more