15 divine devices to drastically improve your writing

Want to inject some razzle and dazzle and a little anaphora into your writing? If your writing seems dull and lifeless, maybe all it needs is a lovely little literary device cleverly placed to keep your reader interested and excited. What’s a literary device? Well, it’s not a new tech gadget or a cool app. … Read more

How to write blog posts faster with an outline

You’re beating your head against a wall. Staring at a blank screen. You need to write a blog post fast, and it’s got to be good. You google “writers block” and hope to find a solution. If you had all day or all weekend to write, you know you’d come up with something. You always … Read more

25 editing tips for your writer’s toolbox

The time to begin an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say. —Mark Twain Editing is just as important as writing—maybe even more important. If you can edit your work effectively, your rough draft … Read more