Are -ing words really that bad?

A reader sent in a question about -ing words: “OK, you said no question was stupid. So, I have been told not to use ing words in fiction writing because it is not the right tense. Why?” Have you heard this advice? Have you wondered about it? We use words that end in -ing all the … Read more

How to focus on writing: 5 tips that work

“The thing all writers do best is find ways to avoid writing.” —Alan Dean Foster If you’re like most writers, staying focused isn’t your strong point. You start the novel, and you lose momentum. You want to get back to it, but you don’t. You hit a rough patch with your blog, and you get … Read more

Are you making this terrible punctuation mistake?

Do you know where to place commas in a sentence? A lot of writers say they’re guided by instinct when it comes to commas. Or they use the “rule” that says a comma goes where we naturally pause. But what if your “instincts” are a bit off the mark? Or what if a reader doesn’t … Read more

Kick off 2014 with 21 fab websites for writers

All writers need to know stuff—lots of stuff. Fiction and non-fiction writers alike need information about craft, business, marketing, and motivation. If you have a blog—and most writers should—you want specifics on setting it up, creating an email list, and writing for your audience. Freelance writers need tips on pricing, clients, queries, and time management … Read more

153 exquisite words for your writer’s toolbox

I’m on a big David Bowie kick right now. My previous Bowie kick was in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, but it was a different kind of kick. I was learning to play guitar, and I bought a big David Bowie songbook. I learned to play almost every song. The old stuff, anyway. Not … Read more

Writer’s block: It’s all in your head

Where else could writer’s block be? Of course it’s in your head. It’s not in your foot. It’s not a disease. It’s not an evil force that snatches up words and pithy phrases just as they start flowing. And it’s definitely not about your Muse refusing to tap you with her magic wand. But you … Read more

How to write blog posts faster with an outline

You’re beating your head against a wall. Staring at a blank screen. You need to write a blog post fast, and it’s got to be good. You google “writers block” and hope to find a solution. If you had all day or all weekend to write, you know you’d come up with something. You always … Read more

3 great ways to get those creative juices flowing

Have you ever heard of a musician or a singer who doesn’t practice? I haven’t, and writers are no different. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blogger just starting out or you’ve been blogging for years. It doesn’t matter if you’ve published magazine articles or short stories or poetry or you’re dreaming of that novel … Read more

25 editing tips for your writer’s toolbox

The time to begin an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say. —Mark Twain Editing is just as important as writing—maybe even more important. If you can edit your work effectively, your rough draft … Read more