Basic plot structure for your novel

Writing a novel? If you’re writing during National Novel Writing Month—NaNoWriMo—you’re probably too busy writing to read about plot structure, narrative structure, dramatic structure, storylines, or narrative arcs right now. So many terms. So little time. But listen up. Plot structure can mean the difference between 50,000 words worth of beautiful descriptions, action-packed scenes, and … Read more

The Secrets of Using Semicolons

Do you use semicolons? Do you know how? Good writers often avoid them rather than make a mistake. Some even think semicolons are “old school” or too formal to use in their writing, while others fling ‘em around like wet noodles—some of ‘em stick, some don’t. But it’s not that hard to get the hang … Read more

How to use photo prompts for writing

Need to kick-start a writing session or break through writer’s block? Photo prompts are a great way to go. If you’re a creative writer, you’ve probably heard of them and might have used them. If you’re a non-fiction writer or a blogger, especially if you’re just getting started, it might be a new thing. But … Read more

10 ways to write awesome blog post introductions

The blank page stares back at you. Suddenly, smacking your head against a wall sounds like a good idea. You rock back and forth. You rub your chin and start picking at cuticles. Maybe you crack your knuckles. And the minutes tick by as you ponder the meaning of writer’s block. How do I start … Read more

The secret resource for smart writers

What’s that? You don’t know where to put a comma in that sentence? Say it ain’t so! You’re worried your grammar isn’t good enough? Say it ain’t so! You don’t know how to quote someone, set up dialogue, or format a manuscript? Oh, heartbreaker, say it ain’t so! You might have wondered, at one point … Read more

What’s the difference between editing and proofreading?

A lot of beginner writers and even more experienced writers wonder: What’s the difference between editing and proofreading? And what’s copyediting? Then there’s developmental editing, substantive editing, and stylistic editing. Structural editing, line editing, project editing, technical editing, and fact checking. Even proofreading is sometimes (erroneously) called editing, although there is such a thing as … Read more

The sneaky little trick for sharp, snappy writing

Ever hear the advice to cut your final draft by 10%? It’s a writing trick usually attributed to Stephen King in On Writing, but it probably goes back to the ancient Greeks. Or at least Thomas Jefferson, who wrote “The most valuable of all talents is never using two words when one will do.” It’s … Read more

15 divine devices to drastically improve your writing

Want to inject some razzle and dazzle and a little anaphora into your writing? If your writing seems dull and lifeless, maybe all it needs is a lovely little literary device cleverly placed to keep your reader interested and excited. What’s a literary device? Well, it’s not a new tech gadget or a cool app. … Read more