Ghostwriting Fiction: Is It for You?

Ghostwriting, as you probably know, is professional writing done for an individual person or company without getting public credit for it. An autobiography, for example, may claim the subject as the author even if the book was written entirely by someone else—ghostwritten. In some cases, a writer may get partial credit. An “as-told-to” memoir is … Read more

Traditional, Self, Indie, and Vanity Publishing—What’s the Difference?

Traditional publishing, self-publishing, indie-publishing, and vanity-publishing. It’s enough to make your head spin, and with all the constant changes, it’s hard to keep up. It’s even hard to have a conversation sometimes. The trouble is that the terminology we use in almost any industry, sport, hobby, or even a company is almost always well-known by … Read more

How to Write a Résumé as a Creative Professional

Guest contributor Neely Raffellini is the founder of 9 to 5 Project, which helps professionals get the tools they need to land jobs they love. For more information, visit or email hello[at]9to5project[dot]com.  Sometimes I think people dread writing their resumes about as much as doing their taxes. #truestory And that’s for people who have a … Read more

Getting Your Foot in the Door: Simple Tips to Break into Freelance Writing

A guest post by Charles Lawrence for Simple Writing. Regardless of the industry you’re trying to break into, you face two problems: How do you get a job without experience? How do you get experience if you can’t find a job? It’s even harder when you’re trying to break into the fiercely competitive world of … Read more

How to reach your writing goals in 2015

How’s your writing going? Are you reaching your goals? Rolling around in the guilt and regret much? My answers: mediocre, no, and no. What? Not regretting that you didn’t do this and didn’t complete that? Nope, I’m not regretting anything. Here’s why: Regretting the past steals time from the present and future. Plus, I had … Read more

9 reasons writers need websites

Writers need websites, end of story. No matter what kind of writer you are—a novelist, a non-fiction book writer, a freelance writer, or even a brand-new writer without a clue—you need a website. Why? Before I get into the why, let me discuss the what. Websites generally fall into two categories A static website is … Read more

7 Essential Strategies for Working at Home

I have a friend in a tough but common situation. This is a true story, but it’s not just about my friend. It’s about you, too, or someone you know. It goes like this: A mother with two young children re-enters the workforce only to realize that her net pay—after daycare costs, commuting costs, and … Read more