What stops you from writing? + 10 writing prompts

Seems like everybody’s talking about writing schedules, writing habits, and writing challenges these days. Newsletters from the many blogs and podcasts I follow are cramming my inbox with topics like how to draft an outline in xx days, why you’ve fallen off the writing wagon, or how to fulfil your writing dream. And that’s exactly … Read more

Quit or Keep Going?

What happens when you don’t finish something on time? Do you quit? Or do you keep on going? If you’ve ever felt frustrated with a writing project, you know what I’m talking about. And if you’ve ever done NaNoWriMo—and didn’t get to 50,000 words by November 30th—you might have faced that very question. I didn’t … Read more

The Five Second Rule for Writing

Every day, you make hundreds of decisions in less than five seconds. Many aren’t conscious decisions, like fastening your seat belt, opening a door, putting sugar in your coffee, or saying thank you to the barista. Most of the time, you make decisions without thinking, without consciously choosing. And those decisions are based on emotions. … Read more

Monday Motivation: Writing Priorities

When it comes to creative ventures (or athletic pursuits!), here are a few things I’ve learned about my writing priorities. Output decreases in direct proportion to (unrelated) input. In other words, when your mind is cluttered with unrelated information coming in from the outside world, it’s hard to access your inner creative world. The latest … Read more

What’s Your Excuse for Not Writing?

What’s your favorite excuse for not doing something you really want to do? Like writing, for example. No matter what kind of writer you are—blogger, freelancer, creative writer or novelist—you’re probably prone to making excuses when you don’t feel like sitting at your desk or table and tapping out letters and words. Or on your … Read more

Love your writing

Do you love your writing? Or do you hate it? A fellow writer recently shared an article on FaceBook called “Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Hating Your Own Work.” It’s about writing, and it’s interesting, but it had me flummoxed.  Why would anyone hate their writing? I had trouble wrapping my head around … Read more

Flash Fiction — Fairy Tale Archetypes

Whether you’re familiar with fairy tales and archetypes or not, what does the illustration above make you think of? How does it make you feel? What kind of story — in 1500 words or less — could you tell based on that image? What are fairy tale archetypes? An archetype is a character, idea, symbol, … Read more