Basic plot structure for your novel

Writing a novel? If you’re writing during National Novel Writing Month—NaNoWriMo—you’re probably too busy writing to read about plot structure, narrative structure, dramatic structure, storylines, or narrative arcs right now. So many terms. So little time. But listen up. Plot structure can mean the difference between 50,000 words worth of beautiful descriptions, action-packed scenes, and … Read more

Novel Writing Tips for NaNoWriMo

If you’ve ever doubted you can write a novel in 30 days, rest assured. You can. I have. And so have many others. Granted, a few of the novels I’ve written during NaNoWriMo didn’t turn out quite the way I’d hoped. But each one is salvageable, and last year’s novel turned into something quite different. … Read more

5 Tips to Writing Blog Posts Better

Writing blog posts is a breeze. You smile as you add the final touches and lean back. There. All done. Confident that this post is The Post That Makes You Famous, you look it over one more time. And fear takes over. You shrug it off—you’ve been writing blog posts for a while now. This … Read more

Why Write a Short Story?

Many of you know I’m working on a novel, so you might be surprised that I just finished a short story and published it on Amazon and other online outlets via Smashwords. But I’ll bet some of you might be wondering why I’d break concentration on a novel and write a short story. Isn’t the … Read more

The Secrets of Using Semicolons

Do you use semicolons? Do you know how? Good writers often avoid them rather than make a mistake. Some even think semicolons are “old school” or too formal to use in their writing, while others fling ‘em around like wet noodles—some of ‘em stick, some don’t. But it’s not that hard to get the hang … Read more

How to Write a Novel: 25 Top Articles

So you’re writing a novel. Or you want to. And no matter how many novels you’ve read, you’ve probably found out that writing one is a completely different story. Even if you’re an experienced non-fiction writer—maybe a blogger or a freelance writer—there’s a lot to learn when it come to fiction writing. And the best … Read more

The Indie Publishing Train: Five Reasons to Ride

Note: This is a guest post by novelist Cheri Roman. Be sure to scroll down and check out her latest! Early in my career, the only way to get published was a contract with a traditional publisher. So I wrote my first book and stepped gleefully into Traditional Station, certain that in no time, I’d … Read more

Top 10 Tips on How to Become a Writer

It’s a common question: “How do I become a writer?” The quick and easy response is “Write.” Just write. Keep writing until you get bloody good at it, and then write some more. But the best answer, really, depends on what kind of writer you want to become. What’s your definition of “a writer?” Minus … Read more

10 Worst Writing Mistakes I’ve Made

There’s no such thing as failure. Mistakes happen in your life to bring into focus more clearly who you really are. —Oprah Winfrey Since college, I’ve been both a fiction and a non-fiction writer, and I’ve had two main goals. I would go beyond the poetry and short stories I was writing, and I’d also … Read more