41 Hot Blogs Every New Blogger Should Know

One of the best ways to learn about blogging is to watch other bloggers. Read their posts. Check out their sites. Get a feel for what each blog is about and a sense of what you like and don’t like. Compare writing styles. Are the posts formal or casual, long or short? Are they mainly … Read more

In defense of the lowly paragraph

The headline is catchy, and it promises a reward when I click on the link in the email. Just last night, in fact, I was thinking about this topic, and it’s definitely something I need to work on. I’ve read plenty of articles written by this guy, and he knows his stuff.

Eagerly, I click. Eagerly, I start to read. My eyes move quickly from left to right, left to right, left to right, left to right and down, down, down. My hand reaches for the mouse to scroll further down the page. Dark gray type sprinkled over white blurs together without meaning, like so much chicken scratch: back and forth, back and forth.

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Choose words wisely

In an article about managerial techniques and effective leadership, a writer compares “toughness” on one end of a spectrum with “being more touchy-feely” on the opposite end. Given workplace restrictions on both touching and feeling, I stopped to consider what this writer might mean. “Touchy-feely,” in my experience, is an expression used sarcastically by people … Read more