Why transitions are important in writing

I’ve known that transitions are important, but I had quite an eye-opener recently. Just a few days ago, I received an email from a fellow writer, and I opened it right away. It was one of his business newsletters, which are almost always interesting or thought-provoking. His writing is usually excellent as well. But this … Read more

Plagiarism, paraphrasing, spinning, and original writing: what’s the difference?

Can you write a 1000-word article on a topic you know little or nothing about? Of course you could. Do some reading, take lots of notes, and get to work. Let’s face it. Very little you write is completely original—you learned it from somewhere. Even if it’s a personal experience essay, the slant you take … Read more

How to write blog posts faster with an outline

You’re beating your head against a wall. Staring at a blank screen. You need to write a blog post fast, and it’s got to be good. You google “writers block” and hope to find a solution. If you had all day or all weekend to write, you know you’d come up with something. You always … Read more

3 great ways to get those creative juices flowing

Have you ever heard of a musician or a singer who doesn’t practice? I haven’t, and writers are no different. It doesn’t matter if you’re a blogger just starting out or you’ve been blogging for years. It doesn’t matter if you’ve published magazine articles or short stories or poetry or you’re dreaming of that novel … Read more

25 editing tips for your writer’s toolbox

The time to begin an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say. —Mark Twain Editing is just as important as writing—maybe even more important. If you can edit your work effectively, your rough draft … Read more

The only way to get over fear

What are you afraid of? If you’re like most people, you’re afraid of plenty. Maybe you’re not afraid of flying, crowds, small rooms, or spiders. But other stuff scares the crap out of you. Can you get up on the roof of a house and spend a few hours patching it? Dig up an enormous … Read more

Banish “I can’t” from your vocabulary

If I made a list of all the people I’ve known who say I “can’t” on a regular basis, it would be a long, dreary list indeed. Why can’t you? Or is it more like I don’t want to? Maybe it’s I’m afraid to or I’m afraid someone will judge me. Or I’m afraid I … Read more

7 Essential Strategies for Working at Home

I have a friend in a tough but common situation. This is a true story, but it’s not just about my friend. It’s about you, too, or someone you know. It goes like this: A mother with two young children re-enters the workforce only to realize that her net pay—after daycare costs, commuting costs, and … Read more

Personification: good for writing not weather

For over a week it’s been all about the weather here on the east coast of the US. I’m a Weather Channel junkie, and though I don’t watch it on TV anymore (I pulled that plug awhile back), I do check in regularly online. So I knew there was a high probability of a serious … Read more