9 reasons writers need websites

Writers need websites, end of story.

No matter what kind of writer you are—a novelist, a non-fiction book writer, a freelance writer, or even a brand-new writer without a clue—you need a website.


Before I get into the why, let me discuss the what.

Websites generally fall into two categories

A static website is a site that rarely changes or is updated infrequently. It provides information about an individual or business, but it doesn’t include a blog.

It could be an e-commerce site where various products are sold (think Target or Home Depot or, on a smaller scale, the average real estate site or a local plumber’s site). It could even be a writer’s website; Alice Hoffman has a good example of a static website.

Product or service offerings may vary from day to day, and sales or specials may be announced. But a static website rarely updates the basic information.

A website that features a blog, on the other hand, provides information pages and changes its blog content regularly. The blog might be updated daily, weekly, or monthly, but it changes, and it’s a focal point. That’s what makes it different from a static website.

Hugh Howey, author of Wool and other novels, has a great example of a website with a blog.

Stand-alone blogs exist, of course, with little information other than the blog posts and perhaps an author bio. But I don’t consider those blogs the type of website that writers need.

So why do writers need websites?

1. A website provides a professional online presence.

Whether you’re penning a novel or hustling freelance work, publishers and clients need to know who you are and what you offer. Where will they look?

A knock-out query letter isn’t enough. Editor and literary agent inboxes are loaded with queries, and they need to know more. Plus, you need to shine, stand out from the competition, and show editors you’re the perfect fit. You also need to show you’re up-to-date with technology.

How can you do that without a website?

2. A website gives potential readers or clients a way to find your book or services.

You might have a Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn presence, but your website provides the authority you need. It’s your “home base” and ultimate marketing tool (even if you hate marketing).

Plus, it’s just expected. Ten or fifteen years ago, you might be forgiven if you didn’t have your own website. These days, it’s almost impossible to be a writer without one.

And if readers search the Web because they want to know more about you, or if a local business is looking for a freelance writer, don’t you want them to find you? Don’t wait until you finish that novel. Get started now.

3. A website is critical to marketing success.

If you’re a book writer planning to go the traditional route—with literary agents and publishers—you need to establish an online identity. After all, publishers expect you to do a lot of your own marketing these days.

And if you’re planning to self-publish, a website becomes even more critical. Readers and fans need to know who you are and what you write.

Try this: enter “Stephen King” in a search engine. What comes up first? Try any other writer who’s at least somewhat successful. Even if their website isn’t the latest and greatest as far as design goes, they’re out there.

4. A website allows you to develop an email list.

Whether you’re writing your first book or your fifth in a series, you want to get the word out. Even if you only have a static website (with no blog), potential readers will want to be the first to know about your upcoming publication.

You can offer a free sample chapter or some other material as an incentive for signing up. And if you provide other services, such as coaching or copywriting, there’s no limit to what you can offer.

5. A website with a blog is a canvas for your best work.

This is especially important for new freelance writers. Even if you don’t have any clips or have only a few, your website and blog serve as evidence of your writing skills.

Even if you don’t have a blog—or you don’t update frequently—you can feature enough of your writing to show off your experience.

A website can also feature a résumé or portfolio.

6. A website with a blog keeps you writing or gets you started.

If you’re in between assignments, posting an update to your blog keeps your fingers tapping and writer-mind working. It’s not just “something to do in between gigs”; it gives you an opportunity to work on your style, voice, or any aspect of your writing you want to work on. It’s also motivation to keep up with a regular writing schedule.

If you’re a new writer, a website with a blog gives you a chance to practice your craft. Develop confidence. Get feedback from family, friends, and new readers who stop by. Meet other writers.

Plus, it helps you decide what to write if you’re not sure. Want to be a travel writer? Write about traveling. Want to write about healthy lifestyles or a sport you love? Go for it.

7. A website with a blog provides networking opportunities and builds confidence.

Whether you’re a novelist, a non-fiction writer, or a freelance writer, you need to meet people. You need to learn about other writers and see what they’re doing. You need to stay up-to-date.

Even if you’re the biggest introvert in the world and shy on top of it, maintaining a blog gets you—and your writing—in front of people without actually getting face-to-face. Sure, you might be way out of your comfort zone. But if you want to succeed as a writer, maintaining a blog is a great confidence-builder.

8. A website with a blog can help you develop additional sources of income.

If you’re writing a novel or working as a freelance writer, you might need some form of additional income. Your website can provide the platform from which to do that.

Take a look at Joanna Penn’s site. It’s a great example of a website with a blog where she features her novels and courses as well as consulting services.

My own site is based on the same concept though on a much smaller scale (for now). Behind the scenes, I’m doing my freelance editing and writing work or writing a blog post. At the same time, I also help other writers develop solid writing skills through my course and coaching.

9. Writers need websites to announce book events and special sales or fundraisers.

Brad Warner’s Hardcore Zen  is another great example of a writer’s website.

He sells his books from the site, he announces his tours and book events, and he also advertises special sales and fundraisers.

Johnny B. Truant is another example. He used to run a site here which he still uses to promote his novels. Now that he’s switched gears a bit, he’s operating from a new website called Realms and Sands. (Grab some freebies!) Book sales, testimonials, upcoming events, a blog—it’s a great example of a writer’s website.

Bonus #10. A blog on your website helps your search rankings.

Let’s say you’re a freelance writer just getting started with travel writing.

If someone searches for “Your Name” and “Your Website,” your static website will most likely show up first.

But if someone does a keyword search with “freelance writer” and “budget travel,” your site might show up after a few dozen other sites. If you’re lucky.

If you maintain a blog, however, and update it regularly, chances are much better that search results will place you higher. The reasons are complicated, and it’s dependent on other factors, too. But the main thing is that search engines like Google regard a larger, frequently updated site with well-written content as more valuable and, therefore, rank it higher.

Your own writer’s website—if you don’t already have one—doesn’t have to be fancy.

In fact, it can be very simple, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money.

You could go with a free site from Blogger.com, WordPress.com, or any other company, but I don’t recommend it. You have to pay anyway ($99 on WordPress.com) if you don’t want the company name in your URL, like this:

http://leahmcclellan.blogspot.com or http://leahmcclellanthewriter.wordpress.com

Why not get a self-hosted website that you control right from the start?

Of course I recommend using WordPress—the free software from WordPress.org—since I use it and know it’s the best, most popular platform on the web. WordPress.com is related, but it’s different because you’re basically sharecropping. You’re setting up shop on someone else’s website.

It’s not too hard to get your own domain name and set things up.

Here are the basic steps:

1. Visit WordPress.org and read around to get familiar.

2. Set up an account with a web hosting company. This is where your website data will live; it’s kind of like renting space on a giant computer that’s connected to the Internet. I use Media Temple (aff) and I recommend them. Why? They’ve been in business since 1998, lots of big companies use them, they’re WordPress specialists, and they have great customer service. All their customer service representatives are in house—they’re not outsourced. That means they’re highly trained and have a lot of dedication and commitment to their company and its customers.

3. Register a domain name if you don’t already have one. This is the URL of your website (mine is http://simplewriting.org). It’s fairly easy to do through a good web hosting company. You just enter the name you’d like to use to see if it’s available. If you’re in luck, you can buy it for around $10-$15. If it’s already taken, you might need to brainstorm a bit. Tip: stick with .com, .net, or .org if you can.

4. Find the “One-Click WordPress Installation” tool on your webhosting dashboard. If you can’t find it, use keywords one-click wordpress installation in the search tool. Or watch this video tutorial I created a few years ago (I’ve since got much better with videos, but heck, the information is solid).

5. That’s it! If you have some tech skills—or you’re not afraid to learn some—you can set up your site with a free theme in a few minutes. Of course, you’ll probably want to browse around and choose a theme that suits you perfectly, and that can take some time.

Later, you might want to make things a bit more sophisticated. If you have time and inclination, you’ll find plenty of information online to do it yourself. Or you can find inexpensive help on Fiverr.

Good luck!

9 thoughts on “9 reasons writers need websites”

  1. I’m more concerned about Missy than setting up a blog. When I was eight or nine living in a newly created ‘foreign country’ in my motherland I had to part company with my best-ever friend Bulu. As an old man I still mourn for him – it must have been vanished from this world half a century ago! I really love your love for Missy. Re. the website I will come back to you when get some self-belief in my tech-ability. Best wishes for you and Missy. Arun

    • Thanks Arun,

      I understand all too well about your friend Bulu. They’re our friends, family, teachers, inspiration, and dependent on us all at the same time. And we never forget them, even 50 or more years later.

      On tech ability: I have found that it has a direct relationship to fear for a lot of people. If we let the fear go and just dive in, we can do anything. But it helps if there’s someone who can get the ball rolling and give some personal attention.

      Thanks again for your kind words 🙂

  2. Hi Leah, I’ve posted my blog address, but I did start a web site with Wix.com, but it’s not ready to be published yet. I’d love for you to look at it and tell me what you think, but I need to keep confidential for now. I’m still doing the final revisions on my MG fantasy book.

    Thanks, Leah. Let me know if there’s a way you could check it out. I would love you to look at it, but I’m not sure if it’s what would work.


    • Hi Debbie,

      If Wix.com is a webhosting company–not a site that gives people websites that are under the umbrella, so to speak, of the larger company, then you should be fine. The idea is to have full control over your site to do what you like (even move it to a different web hosting company if you want).

      It doesn’t sound like it; it sounds more like WordPress.com or Blogger etc. On its terms of use page: http://www.wix.com/about/terms-of-use


      While I’m sure you aren’t posting anything like that, they do have the right to delete whatever they want. So it doesn’t sound too good. And if the company goes under, where does that leave you and your website? Assuming it’s what I think it is–often called “sharecropping” or placing your content on someone else’s site.

      That’s why I recommend (as anyone with experience would) having your own site and just paying for a company to host it. In that case, you have complete control, and you can leave the company (with your site though you should also have it saved elsewhere, which you likely can’t do on Wix) whenever you want. Or you can duplicate your site on 20 other web hosting company servers if you want to. Write what you want without worrying about deletion (not that I’d worry with the average site, but still). The idea is to own your own site, not have a company control it. Loads of negatives with this, too many to list here.

      I hope that helps! Let me know if I’ve got things wrong as far as what Wix is about.

      • Hi Leah,

        Well, I sure do appreciate your input and I thank you so much. I guess I didn’t know this about Wix. I definately don’t want something that someone can delete at will. I’ll have to get my own site. Do you recommend any certain “hosts”? I would love to have a website ready to go but I’m not to website savvy.

        Where do I start?
        Thanks again, Leah.

        • Hi Debbie,

          There are a lot of different hosting companies (hosts) but yes, I do believe some are better than others (like my own), but there are ways to decide what you need (lots of them are pretty much all the same–just fine for the average website). I’ll get that info up shortly. Got your email; I’ll be in touch!

  3. Hi Leah,
    I have been running my blog (above) for the last 4 years but am now focussing on writing my first novel.
    You have convinced me in this article that a writer’s web-site would be a good idea but I’d quite like to keep the same design so readers recognise my header etc.
    Or … do you think I should start afresh?
    I would appreciate your opinion before I decide what to do. Thanks!

    • Hi Linda,

      It all depends on, well, all sorts of factors. Does your novel have anything to do with your blog? If so, then maybe a special page on that blog that discusses your novel would be appropriate. If it’s totally unrelated, then a separate site might be a good idea. Also, I see your latest post says you’re closing the site. That means time for something new, no?

      Here’s how I would do it if it were me. I used to run a blog called Peaceful Planet http://peacefulplanetcommunication.com/. I don’t update it anymore, but it’s still live, and it still gets plenty of traffic. It has absolutely nothing to do with the novel I’m working on. Therefore, when I’m ready to start making some announcements, it will either be on Simple Writing or get its own site that’s clearly linked on Simple Writing (I’d want you and others who visit here to know about it!). I’d send an announcement to my list. Maybe I’d put a little ad on Peaceful Planet, but probably not. It just won’t fit in with the theme or topic.

      I wouldn’t worry about recognizable headers and all that. Websites/blogs undergo changes and upgrades all the time. Think of Copyblogger, for example, over the years. Chris Brogan. Johnny B. Truant changed his style completely–Realms and Sands http://realmandsands.com/ doesn’t even look like it’s him at all. I changed my header and design on Peaceful Planet a bunch of times, and Simple Writing has had two changes since I started it a year ago. I didn’t lose any readers; both sites have only grown. Simple Writing still needs a polish, so it will change slightly in the near future though not much. It doesn’t matter to anyone on your list who likes what you offer and looks forward to getting helpful information. You shouldn’t change TOO often, but if you have to change a little or set up a new site, so be it. I’ve never had any complaints. If someone is interested in your novel, why would a different header matter if you send out an invitation to a new site where they can get info about that novel? If they don’t like your new header, maybe they just aren’t your audience.

      So that’s my opinion. You have to take a bunch of factors into consideration. Can you market your novel from your current site? if so, go for it. If not, start something new.

      Hope that helps!

      PS I edited your link to your site. The accent on café doesn’t compute on my browser and probably not on others, either. So I took it out to make sure you get some link love 🙂

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